In three short weeks we start our next trek on the Norwegian Breakaway on a seven night western Caribbean cruise. Doesn’t sound much like trekking? Well its not, unless you plan to make it a journey. Yes, you can make a cruise a trek if you stretch beyond the typical cruise experience. More on that in later posts (follow us on our journey). Right now I thought that I would share a few of our cruise preparation tips as we begin getting ready for this trip.
It never fails that when you get to your destination you find that ________________ (fill in the blank) didn’t make it in the suitcase. I can’t help you with your memory but check out our travel prep strategy and hopefully, it’ll help you to be good to go.
Travel Documents

You’re cruising, so unless your itinerary consists of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, you’re going to visit ports of call that are in foreign countries. It’s important that you have the proper identification, either a passport or an original copy of your government-issued birth certificate. The birth certificate option is only good for closed loop cruises, those that start and end in the U.S. Be sure to make copies of your travel docs, one copy for home and one copy for your suitcase. Another important travel document is you cruise edocs, it will speed up getting onboard.
Don’t go anywhere without your phone or other devices? I’m the world’s worst! However, I do pack light on most trips only taking my camera gear (mainly GoPros), phone, tablet and spare battery pack. You may also want to pack compact binoculars.
Yep, everyone hates that low charge warning. If you leave your chargers at home it’ll cost you. Either in missed photo ops or in dollars. Sure, you can buy a charger onboard but they’re not going to be cheap!
The cabins on cruise ships generally have two outlets in the bedroom and two in the bathroom. This is where a power strip comes in handy, giving you multiple charger outlets. Most cruise ships limit power usage by requiring you to insert your room key into a slot/switch to turn power on in your cabin. A hack that I’ve used before is to take a used gift card (no raised numbers) along as a substitute when you are out. Otherwise, if you’re out of the cabin you will not be able to charge your gear.
Carry On Luggage
Once on the ship it will take a while to get your luggage, so pack what you will need for the afternoon and evening like swimsuits, sunscreen and books in a carry on. Calling the concierge and crossing your fingers will not speed up delivery of your luggage. Always carry on any medications that you will need. Get motion sickness? Maybe some anti-diarrheal as well.
Pack Light

I’m trying to see how little I can actually pack on this trek.
Bring just enough clothing, and variety, to get by. Odds are, you didn’t book the Penthouse suite so your cabin is 200 sq. ft. or less. To save space in the suitcase, try rolling your clothing or pick up some packing cubes. Also, toss in a collapsible back pack for treks off the ship. Pack according to your destination and remember that even warm destinations can get chilly so, pack a light jacket (think rain, always a possibility). Pack a hat, you’ll thank me later.
Dress Codes
Cruise ships are moving more and more towards causal attire. Of course days onboard and on land are causal but nights can get a little formal on some cruise lines. Check with your cruise line for more information on proper attire. Ladies might want to bring a cocktail dress and men should pack a suit (tie optional) if your wife packs the dress.
This depends on your point of view but my go to travel shoes are sneakers, flip flops and sometimes a dress style. Diana says you need more so, that’s up to the ladies. Base it on your needs.
Once again, take only what you absolutely need. But don’t forget insect repellant, sunscreen, and aloe vera spray. The last one is for those who forgot the second one. Another thing to keep in mind, there are no irons onboard and they frown at bringing them onboard. So, if wrinkles bother you, pick up Downy Wrinkle Releaser or something similar.
Miscellaneous Items
- Water bottles for treks onboard and off
- Protein bars
- Snacks for the cabin and on shore
- Beach blanket (nylon)
- Journal
If you do forget something, and you will, there are options either onboard or in port, just more expensive but you can pick up most of what’s left behind.
Enjoy your cruise and be sure to unleash your inner trekker! Check out our Finding Travel Deals post before you book.
Bon Voyage!