Today we’re going to the eastern Caribbean to explore an island destination in the US Virgin Islands. So, as we trek together we’ll definitely find some amazing adventures that are awaiting you on your next Caribbean adventures.
Beautiful, but touristy St. Thomas, is an island destination that is one of the closest for most Americans. While it is close to most of us in the US, there are only a couple of ways to travel there, either by air or by sea. But most visitors to St. Thomas choose one of many affordable Caribbean cruise options. More to come later on cruising the Caribbean. Ease of travel, makes this a great destination and another perk is that passports are not required for US citizens.
The U.S. Virgin Islands consists of the main islands of Saint Croix, Saint John, and Saint Thomas, and many other surrounding minor islands. The total land area of the territory is quite small at 133.73 square miles (346.36 km2). The territory’s capital is Charlotte Amalie on the island of St. Thomas. Previously known as the Danish West Indies, the islands were sold to the United States by Denmark in 1916. OK, that’s enough history!
While St. Thomas is known as the gateway of the U.S. Virgin Islands, it’s best known for its beaches and snorkeling. However, there is much more to the island than just beaches.
The island covers 32 sq. miles and includes some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. So if its beaches you want, you‘ve come to the right place. St. Thomas boasts a number of accessible beaches such as Bolongo Bay, Coki Beach & Brewers Bay to name a few but it’s most popular beach is Magens Bay on the northeast side of the island. Since they are easily accessible, they are usually crowded. If you are limited for time, Magens Bay is a 20 minute taxi ride from the port and is a good option for half day visits.

Car Rental
If you arrived via a cruise ship, there are numerous excursions available in St. Thomas. My advice is to skip the offered excursions and head to a rental car counter. Most of the excursions are a waste of time if you want to really see the sights. Budget/Avis Car Rentals have a couple of locations on the island. Also, scooter and jeep rentals seem to be everywhere. But if you want to escape the crowds, opt for a rental car. Be Advised: If you are American, they drive on the wrong side of the road. Look both ways before crossing and make sure you are on the correct side of the road. If you are planning a cruise be sure to read our Cruise Preparation Tips post.
Be sure to stop in town to pick up water and other supplies, there’s not many other options in some areas.
Trekking Around – Northwest

After you’ve picked up your rental and a few supplies, head out to the west end of the island to Botany Bay and Mermaid’s Chair. The beaches seem to be less crowded than most and there are great hikes in the area where you’ll experience the real beauty of the island. The Botany Bay area is in a gated preserve so, be sure to bring photo identification.
As you travel back to town take Bordeaux Road out to Bordeaux Bay for a little off-roading (use caution) and breath taking views of the north coast. Treks along much of the north and west coasts are strenuous with some fairly steep grades, use caution when hiking down to the water.
Trekking Around – East/Northeast
Make your way to the east and head north from there. Starting at Smith’s bay, there are a number of options that make for a memorable trip. For family fun you will find adjacent to Coki Beach, the Coral Wold Ocean Park and nearby is the Phantasea Tropical Gardens located at 1100 feet above sea level on a mountain ridge with views to Magens Bay and Tortola. We’ll be covering Tortola in a future post.
For the more adventurous, there are a number of fun options ranging from snorkeling and zip lines to skydiving. Tree Limin’ Extreme was one of the Virgin Islands’ first Zip lines and is located in the midst of the tropical rain forest on St. Peter Mountain and provides amazing views of the Caribbean. Whatever you choose, there are plenty to do while you are on the island.
Unless you are planning an extended stay in St. Thomas, I would skip the southern & southeastern parts of the island. These areas are beautiful areas and do have points of interest but are the beach resort areas.

Trekking in Town
While in town be sure to make a quick stop at two of the Island’s historical landmarks, Black Beard’s Castle and the 99 steps. Skytsborg Tower (Danish for “sky tower”) was built in 1679 and stands high above the middle of Charlotte Amalie. It was once used as an lookout to identify enemy ships and also as a base for the pirate Black Beard. The 99 steps were built by the Danes in the mid-1700s who found “step-streets” to be the easiest way to climb up and down the steep hills of Charlotte Amalie. Don’t be fooled, there are actually 103 steps.
Another great family stop and photo op is the St. Thomas Skyride. The aerial tram takes passengers on a climb to the top of Flag Hill. The ride will take you 700 feet above the town for some of the most dramatic views in the Caribbean.
So yes, there is shopping everywhere but the downtown area has shops for everything you could possibly splurge on. But as you shop don’t forget to take in the architecture all around you.

Stick to a Schedule
If you are coming to St. Thomas on a cruise, keep scheduling in mind. I know that I said skip the excursions, but if you have trouble sticking to a schedule, it may be best if you book your excursions through the cruise line. That way you are guaranteed that the ship will await your return. Otherwise, if you are late, bon voyage and you’re purchasing airfare.
If you are planning to stay on the island, there are a host of accommodations to satisfy every taste. Head on over to Trip Advisor for more information on the best hotels on the island. For more information on things to do and places to go and stay, visit Now, let’s talk about getting there.
Traveling There
So what’s your fancy? There are only two ways to get to St. Thomas, either by air or by sea. A quick look at flights from Chicago during the first week of June average $700 dollars round trip. Also a quick look a cruises show prices for a 7 night cruise starting at $670 on Princess cruises from Ft. Lauderdale. Keep an eye out for deals on Caribbean adventures.
With that in mind, we are now going to turn to finding the best deals. There are quite a few go to spots to start your search. Travel agents are a great place to begin, many agents have some non-published fares but quite often push the “brochure” price. More commission. However, it has been my experience that I can usually find a great deal by using a few tricks and then just searching the web. Keep in mind that there are hundreds of websites that boast the best deals so, buyer beware. A recent search for “cruises” returned over 200 million results. Don’t have that kind of time? Then check out our “Finding Travel Deals” post where we’ll will show you our “go to websites” for finding great deals and reviews from actual travelers.
Travel safe and Unleash the Trek! Check out our Explore Hawaii – The Big Island post.